Always the right price
in a couple of clicks

With Givemefive price calculator

Stop manually calculating price with Excel, PowerPoint or PDF. Avoid costly mistakes. Save time preparing offers & training your sellers.

Save time on preparing
price discussions

Stop wasting time on internal Excel price calculators, preparing slides and building quotes in your CRM. When was the last time your CRM line items were updated anyway?!

Save precious time preparing meetings

Scale your sales operations

Always the right price in a couple of clicks

Avoid costly mistakes and share the correct prices in real time with your prospects. Trust wins deals.

Be accurate and strike each time

Save time and boost your performance

Sell more, better, faster with guided sales offers

Decrease non-selling activities for your sellers. Let them focus on sales-related activities, and allow them to shine through what they do best. They will love you for it!

Boost your team's potential with high-value tasks

Gain more efficiency in daily tasks

Sneak peek
Features Overview

Slide 2 of 4.

Discount tactics

Set-up price discount guardrails for your salesteam to streamline your deal approval workflows. Implement standard discount tactics based on volume, payment terms, decision speed, ....

What our customers say

"Before, it was very difficult to explain our offer
and the differences between features, packages…
Now with Givemefive, we have these very readable pricing models
that we can share with any leads in minutes."

Sébastien Degrave, CMO at Trigrr

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Givemefive offer syncs back to my CRM?

Yes, up to line items level. Therefore reporting can be set-up correctly.

Who defines the pricing & packaging of Givemefive price configurator?

Typically, Sales Leadership & RevOps are in charge. Yet, we can give specific access to anyone in your team who shall be involved.

Can anybody have access to a Givemefive offer?

Givemefive offers are secured. Thus, when you're sending an offer to a prospect, he is the only who can access. Also, you can decide to set a password for higher security level.

Do I get notified if a prospect opens the Givemefive offer?

Yes, you get a real-time notification. Those notifications can be synced to Slack and /or your email, so you get notified whenever a prospect opens the link of the offer, plays with it, or creates a quote.

Give it a try!